Foody 101

In Foody 101, I will go over basic to advanced cooking skills, terms and advice. Covering all things foody.

What is a Foody?

Foody's are people who want to learn about food anyway and everyway they can. Be it the ordinary or unique food, a foody wants to know about it how it works and what they can do with it. From the science and companies behind the food to the personalities that surround food. This can be come a passionate obsession for most foody's.

How can you Bmore Foody?
Read my blog and find all things foody in the Baltimore area and beyond. Sharing this information with your friends. We all have our stories and friends who love food. Celebrate Being more Foody.

Techniques to come:

Culinary Arts

Saute - French for to jump. To fry lightly in fat in a shallow open pan. To saute place product in hot oil and toss around pan. M&M's is a great way to practice.

Pan Fry - Like Saute but about a 1/2" to 1" of oil in the pan and you do not toss the pan. Turning the product to promote even cooking.

Deep Fry - Product is submerged in fat to fry evenly. Product will not become greasey until all the water turning into steam leaves the product.

Roasting - to cook foods (Non-Baking Products) by surrounding with hot dry air in an oven or over a fire on a split. Proteins Maillard Brown. Where starches and sugars caramelize.

Steaming - Using the heat to vaporize water to cook a product.

Soups, Stocks, and Sauce

Brasing - is a combination of wet and dry cooking methods. You first brown your meat then placing in a large pot with liquids and acid over a slow heat. This breaks down the proteins making a tough piece of meat tender. The meat is only covered by about 1/2 liquid.

Stewing - is a combination of wet and dry cooking methods. You first brown your meat then placing in a large pot with lots of vegetables, bean and liquids and acid over a slow heat. This breaks down the proteins making a tough piece of meat tender. The meat is completely covered by all the liquid.

Grilling - Cooking product over a open flamed grill. With heat from below the product. For even grill marks preheat your grill, clean it, add alittle oil, and turn the product about 45 degrees after a few minutes.

Cold Food Production

Flavor Profiles - Every region or country has a flavor profile. If your cooking a meal you would want to stick to those spices so the dishes stand together. So Basil, Thyme, Tomato, Oil and Cream might be an Italian flavor profile. But cumin, peppers, spices, all spice, plantain, may be Latin. But Cumin, Curry and Rice could be Indian. Flavors that just fit together.

Product Quality

Baking & Pastry
Sugar Art
Science behind baking
Recipe 101

Table Service
Mixology (Wine, Beer, Mixed Drinks, Coffee)

Industry Tidbits

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